Company House director check
ELV licence check
Business address check
3rd Party review site research
Social media research
Trading history on other sites ie, Ebay
Phone interview with PartsGateway
This part is pre-owned and comes with a 90 Days12 Months warranty. This seller offers a 30 day returns policy.
{{ item.Feedback }}
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{{ item.PoorTellUsMore }}
{{ item.PoorFeedback }}
{{ item.FirstName}} {{ item.Surname }} - ({{item.Closed | date: date:'d/M/y' }})
Purchased: {{ item.FirstPartName }}
Dealer Response: {{ item.DealerReply }}
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{{item.CommentingUser}} {{item.time | date: date:'d/M/y' }}
Purchased: {{ item.ItemTitle }} not available
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The Delivery on this order is typically Collection Only
The Delivery on this order is Collection Only
WarrantyThe Warranty on this item is 90 Days12 Months. See Conditions Below.
Terms & Conditions1st Choice Car Spares Ltd endeavour to the best of their ability to ensure that any parts quoted, are for the correct Make, Model and all relevant specifications of vehicle (i.e year/reg etc).
1st Choice Car Spares Ltd guarantees
a) All goods sold will comply with the Sale & Supply of Goods Act 1994 and be of "Satisfactory Quality", unless specified to the customer at the time of sale.
b) A minimum guarantee period of 30 DAYS will be given on any and all parts sold.
c) Calls made to customers should be dealt with promptly and courteously and only if their required part is actually held in stock and available for dispatch within 48 hours (72 hours over the weekend). Any changes in expected delivery times etc. must be notified to the customer as soon as possible.
d) Customers contact information including, name, address, all telephones numbers and emails address are all protected by the data protection act.
Unit 9 Moorfield Industrial Estate
Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00
Sun & Bank Hols CLOSED - CLOSED
Latest Reviews For 1st Choice Car Spares Ltd
{{ item.Feedback }}
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{{ item.PoorTellUsMore }}
{{ item.PoorFeedback }}
{{ item.FirstName}} {{ item.Surname }} - ({{item.Closed | date: date:'d/M/y' }})
Purchased: {{ item.FirstPartName }}
{{ item.CommentText }}
{{item.CommentingUser}} {{item.time | date: date:'d/M/y' }}
Purchased: {{ item.ItemTitle }} not available
Returns Summary